Kessler Process AUTOMATION

Separation of Licensing and Hardware Flexibility, Modularity, Efficiency
"Virtuality" - things do not appear in the form in which they are actually based, do not exist in the guise in which they obviously appear to exist, but are the same in their effect and functionality. Behind these almost philosophical words, there is an impressive freedom at Kessler Process Automation, a gigantic space of possibilities for action and design, with which complex company systems can be optimized around control technology. The explanation is simple, because with virtual systems from us, our clients benefit from modularity and flexibility. Virtual environments can exist independently of the operating system on site and shine through simple handling, efficient use of resources and space-saving concepts without limiting performance. We emulate the old servers onto new ones, virtualize all existing systems and thus make server rooms more efficient.
More Space, More Energy, More Performance, More Success
Virtualization cleans up. It clears up overloaded server rooms, makes them space- and power-saving, because our conversion means that fewer resources have to be energized. A smaller number of devices need to be maintained and serviced, backups can be performed faster and more easily, the technology is secure and can be implemented flexibly without reconfiguring the OS. Other advantages include much faster access times, vendor-independent hardware, access via VMware tools, an excellent price/performance ratio, high availability and centralized management. Convincing arguments for convincing system technology - virtualization with Kessler Process Automation.